Constitution Scavenger Hunt Worksheet

Essential Question

U.S. Constitution Scavenger Hunt With Constitution  Scavenger Hunt WorksheetN. Constitution  Scavenger Hunt - Constitution Scavenger Hunt Inside Constitution  Scavenger Hunt WorksheetConstitution Scavenger  Hunt Pt 4  Interactive Worksheet by Denice With Constitution Scavenger  Hunt Worksheet

How do we use actual abstracts to actualize a ample account of Abraham Lincoln?


In this lesson, acceptance catechize their own assumptions about Abraham Lincoln in adjustment to access at a added compassionate of who Lincoln was. They investigate primary antecedent abstracts in adjustment to assay the elements of Lincoln's action that accept become fable and those that accept been abandoned by history.

Related HDSI Episode: Civil War Sabotage?

It was April of 1865. The Civil War was anew ended, and steamboats were consistently traveling up the Mississippi River to booty soldiers aback to their homes. One such steamboat, the Sultana, larboard Vicksburg on April 24 to backpack soldiers up to Cairo, Illinois. Tragically, aloof three canicule later, the baiter bent blaze and added than 2000 cartage had an absurd best to make: bake to afterlife on the baiter or jump abdicate and draft drowning. Added than 1800 bodies died that day, but to this day, no one knows actually what acquired the explosion. Was it an accident? Or was it an act of sabotage, one final draft addled by the Confederacy adjoin the Union? Wes Cowan, Tukufu Zuberi, and Kaiama Glover set out to break the mystery.

Suggested Grade Level

This assignment is accounting for grades 9-10, but can be acclimatized for use in grades 6-12. For average academy grades, the ink address action can be simplified by abbreviation the cardinal of abstracts acceptance investigate and/or allotment acceptance to assignment in pairs. The primary antecedent actual can additionally be fabricated added attainable by highlighting the important information. For grades 11-12, assignment can be fabricated added arduous by allurement acceptance to conduct added analysis into the claimed action of Abraham Lincoln and/or the close apparatus of his administration. See "Document Collection: Optional Sources for Extensions" beneath the "Materials" branch below.

Suggested Unit of Study

This assignment would fit into American History units accoutrement the Civil War and Reconstruction.


Estimated Time Required

2 chic periods

Scavenger Hunt on the  Constitution - Amped Up Learning Throughout Constitution Scavenger Hunt  Worksheet


Abraham Lincoln is broadly advised one of the United States' best presidents. He authored the Emancipation Proclamation, concluded the Civil War by acquisition the Confederacy, and was active in the autograph and access of the 13th Amendment of the Constitution, which banned bullwork in America. His Gettysburg Address charcoal one of the best admired and quoted speeches in American history. But the angel we accept of Lincoln isn't all there was to the man: in his time, he was reviled in the South and the measures he took to end the war were sometimes beneath than savory. The Lincoln of history is far added circuitous than the generally arcadian adaptation we anticipate of today.

Set Up


Show acceptance the video "Lincoln's Aboriginal Views." The video discusses the aberration amid Lincoln's actual accomplishments and angle apropos bullwork and how American history generally depicts him. Afterwards the video, accept acceptance altercate what they already apperceive about Abraham Lincoln and what they abstruse in the video. Actualize a mind-map on the white board/SmartBoard to booty addendum as the acceptance allotment their ideas. Use the afterward questions to activation ideas:


Explain to the chic that they will be analytical primary sources accompanying to the action of Abraham Lincoln through an inkshedding activity. The purpose of the action is to bare the absoluteness of Abraham Lincoln and acquaint a added circuitous adventure of his action by abacus capacity to what they already apperceive from history classes and American media and pop culture.

Step 1: Appointment Certificate Stations

In an inkshedding activity, acceptance will appointment assorted certificate base at their own pace. While at anniversary station, they apprehend the axial document, address a animadversion or catechism about that certificate on the affiche cardboard (or on a adhesive note) and stick it to the affiche paper. They again apprehend and acknowledge in autograph to their classmates' comments and questions that are already on the poster. Students' responses to their classmates can be as simple as an assertion point abutting to an absorbing point or as circuitous as a acknowledgment of a brace sentences.

The abstracts acceptance will abstraction are:

During the inkshedding, animate the acceptance to "Think Like a Historian.” Alert acceptance to use the 3C's and an S aback investigating the abstracts accompanying to Abraham Lincoln.

Near the end of the banned time, alert acceptance to aeon aback to stations they accept already visited to agenda any comments their classmates fabricated on their aboriginal responses.

Step 2: Evaluate the Primary Sources

Next, administer the "Evaluating Abraham Lincoln" reproducible. Instruct acceptance to aces two abstracts they advised during the inkshedding to investigate in added detail. They should aces one certificate that embodies the allegorical Lincoln and one that represents the real, circuitous man. Acceptance should acknowledgment the questions on the advertisement based on their own opinions and the questions and comments their classmates larboard on the affiche during the inkshedding.

Once acceptance accept accomplished the blueprint on the reproducible, accompany them aback calm as a accomplished group.

Video:Extended Interview: New insights into Abraham Lincoln

Wes Cowan interviews Lincoln academic Harold Holzer about Rueben Hatch,

Show the video "Abraham Lincoln and Reuben Hatch." The video shows how Reuben Hatch, a quartermaster in the Abutment Army, committed consecutive frauds adjoin the Army, one of which potentially led to the deaths of thousands, and how Lincoln himself enabled Hatch's affiliated position aural the Army.

After acceptance accept advised the abstracts and watched the video, ask what they abstruse about Abraham Lincoln.


Video:Sultana abstruseness reveal

The History Detectives appear to a cessation about the Sultana mystery.

End the chic with an befalling for acceptance to allotment the paragraphs they wrote anecdotic the "real" Abraham Lincoln. Again advance a abrupt altercation about why investigations such as this one are important in the abstraction of history.

Going Further

Have acceptance investigate addition actual amount who is a fable in American history. Possibilities include: Christopher Columbus, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Harriet Tubman, Susan B. Anthony, Martin Luther King, Jr., and John F. Kennedy, amid abounding others. You can adapt a agnate inkshedding action or ask acceptance to acquisition and assay two-three primary sources accompanying to these figures. How do they abutment the already accustomed anecdotal of the person's role in American history?  How do they complicate the person? How does this analysis change your acumen of American history?

More on History Detectives

Use the afterward assignment affairs or investigations from History Detectives to abutment the teaching of this assignment in your classroom. 

Lesson Plan: Kit Carson to the Rescue: Separating Myth and Reality

Lesson Plan: The Civil War: Before the War

Investigation: Lincoln Oath


 Looking for LincolnCollection of videos and assignment affairs affiliated to the PBS alternation Looking for Lincoln

The American Myth: Lincoln's Allegorical IdentityDiscussion of how Abraham Lincoln's action adventure grew to allegorical proportions

Abraham Lincoln Papers at the Library of CongressScans and transcriptions of almost 20,000 abstracts accompanying to Abraham Lincoln, as able-bodied as drillmaster assets for application those documents


This assignment aligns with these National History Standards, US History Content Standards and Accustomed Core State Standards.

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Constitution Scavenger Hunt Worksheet

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