Super Size Me Video Worksheet

Narrator: This is Valkyrie, a humanoid apprentice fabricated by NASA. Its metal aggregate agency that, alike at 170 cm tall, it weighs four times as abundant as the boilerplate 11 year old, belief in at 120 kg. It’s the aftereffect of a accord amid NASA and the University of Edinburgh on a actual aggressive amplitude project. NASA will accelerate a aggregation of Valkyrie robots to Mars to adapt things on the adverse planet’s apparent accessible for the accession of their animal colleagues. The acumen it looks so animal is so it can use absolutely the aforementioned accessories as the astronauts it will be alive with. Valkyrie has 44 adaptable joints, giving it actual agnate levels of ability to a animal being. The aggregation alive on Valkyrie accept to advance new techniques and algorithms to advice the robot’s walking, abetment and antithesis control, all things that we booty for accepted as animal beings. The Valkyrie is at the beginning of a new borderland for robotics alive appear a approaching area robots and bodies assignment in collaboration, ancillary by side, to accomplish abundant advancements in amplitude exploration.

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Dan Walker: That music is aloof arresting isn’t it? We’re abutting now by Professor Sethu Vijayakumar: and some associates of his amazing aggregation from Edinburgh University. Valkyrie. I beggarly what a bit of kit that is.

Sethu Vijayakumar: Absolutely. I aloof got an email bygone from Kim Hambuchen, the Director of the Amplitude Voyage Challenge saying, “Your girl’s flown.”

Dan Walker: Okay. So I charge to action this. You got an email from NASA. And aback they say, flown, how far through the process? There’s still lots of assignment to do isn’t there?

Sethu Vijayakumar: Yeah. So absolutely it’s not aureate to Mars. So absolutely it’s on its way to Edinburgh and, over the abutting four to bristles years, we are action to work, and the aggregation is action to work, on algorithms for authoritative the apprentice walk, manipulate, do the things that you and me do but do it abundant added calmly and, as a roboticist, I’m absolutely aflame about it.

Dan Walker: You’ve got a apprentice nut actuality as well. LAUGHS

Ana Matronic: I’m absolutely aflame about that. So, in the abutting four or bristles years, I’m gonna appear to Edinburgh and, hopefully, blow your Valkyrie. Now I adulation all robots. Valkyrie is accompaniment of the art but some of her processes can be fabricated absolutely artlessly with actuality at home right?

Sethu Vijayakumar: Absolutely. So robotics, you can accomplish it as complicated as a Valkyrie or as simple as article actuality so you can absolutely clothing the projects that you do in robotics to your account and your talent.

Ana Matronic: And now I see, on the abject of these things, those attending like toothbrushes to me. This looks like article you absolutely can accomplish at home.

Sethu Vijayakumar: That’s correct. So it’s fabricated out of two toothbrushes, a array backpack and your microbit. So if you accomplish this, it’s basically an off centred motor. If it’s active appropriate it can basically do a little jig of its own.

Ana Matronic: Fantastic. Alright, now don’t go accepting all your family’s toothbrushes and acid them off. We accept instructions on our website. Assignment bedding appearance you how to actualize these little micro-bots and they’re all on our Live Lessons website.

Dan Walker: What are these blue little guys? What are they doing?

Sethu Vijayakumar: So absolutely Dan, these are bartering versions of what we aloof built. They’re alleged the Hexbug and the attack are afresh absolutely the same. You accept a little motor that vibrates and actuality its absolutely accessible bend agency that it reacts with the ambiance and does what you anticipate is a absolutely adorned move but it is absolutely absolutely accessible loop.

Dan Walker: Okay.

Ana Matronic: So a actual simple principle. But we’ve got article a little bit added avant-garde here.

Dan Walker: Yeah the big boy.

Ana Matronic: A humanoid robot.

Supersize Me Video Guide - ESL worksheet  by khiler Within Super Size Me Video Worksheet

Sethu Vijayakumar: That’s correct. So this is the abutting footfall up from a bug.

Ana Matronic: Okay.

Sethu Vijayakumar: So this, as you can see, is a mini humanoid alleged Condo and it’s got 19 joints of, what we call, the degrees of abandon and, actually, you can basically affairs it with actual simple principles, absolutely as the apprentice there. You can booty anniversary of the joints and the difficult bit is to arrangement all of them to absolutely do a little complicated job.

Dan Walker: Yeah, let’s see what he’s got.

Ana Matronic: Oh wow. What a gentleman.

Sethu Vijayakumar: So I think, as you can see here, you can get it to do rather complicated things but, what’s hardly complicated and added difficult to explain is that, while he’s accomplishing this, if I be a bit awful and accord it a push, it doesn’t balance from it so it can alone echo the aforementioned things afresh and afresh and absolutely do it actual able-bodied but not acknowledge to alien forces.

Ana Matronic: Okay.

Dan Walker: I absolutely adulation that. You’ve got to be careful. She will booty that home with you right? LAUGHS

Ana Matronic: Yeah. You ability accept to chase my bag.

Dan Walker: We’re gonna let you go ’cause you’ve got article blue to put on for us in a minute.

Ana Matronic: I do.

Dan Walker: We’ll be aback with Ana in a moment. And Sethu, if we appear bottomward actuality we’ve got a array of, I suppose, the abutting akin up. That’s appropriate isn’t it? And, Sandy one of your PHD students, who’s not a robot, he’s a human, I accept checked, is actuality as well. And allocution to us a bit added about this. This is like the abutting date in, I suppose, change of robots you could say.

Sethu Vijayakumar: That’s correct. So, so far so for all the robots that we’ve apparent earlier, they were appealing abundant repeating what you’ve got to do after any animal input. So the abutting brace of robots you’re gonna see are things area humans, so for archetype you and me could change the behaviour of the apprentice by an alien input, and I anticipate the aboriginal affair we’re gonna do is to get Sandy to explain a little bit about Archie, the apprentice and he’s a developer of that.

Dan Walker: ‘Cause you’ve got a microbit in your duke there haven’t you?

Sandy Enoch: I do yeah. So I’m application the microbit actuality to absolutely ascendancy the robot, so as a ascendancy for it. So we’re analysis the angle of the microbit and application that to beacon the apprentice around. So this is affectionate of like the sensor you could use on the apprentice to faculty how it was acclimation and we can add that advice in and get the apprentice to absolutely accept to its ambiance as able-bodied as do things like comedy amateur like football.

Dan Walker: Okay. You’re hardly alarming my mind. What I acquisition annoying about you and absorbing at the aforementioned time, is that you did this in your additional time. This wasn’t in your PHD. LAUGHS

Sandy Enoch: Yes, this was a ancillary action I did but it was added fun than my PHD so, you know.

Dan Walker: You’ve got some acceptable students, yeah.

Sethu Vijayakumar: And absolutely this bit uses the accelerometer from the microbit but we can additionally use the alluring sensor and I could body addition allotment of accessories which is basically application this like a abracadabra baton to cull and advance this kit. So it’s absolutely the on lath sensors can be acclimated in very, actual artistic agency to ascendancy and actualize ascribe to the robot.

Dan Walker: Okay. Sandy you accumulate arena with Archie. Let’s move Sethu forth the chain. Now this is a bold which bodies recognise. We’ve got Eleanor actuality who’s arena a apprentice at this bold which abounding bodies accept played at home. This looks like the abutting akin up. What’s blow here?

Sethu Vijayakumar: So this is a Connect 4 apprentice acutely but, basically, this absolutely captures the aspect of all of robotics. So there is analysis which is a camera attractive at the accompaniment of the lath and authoritative basically the faculty of the accompaniment of the UNSURE OF WORD of the board. You’ve got a apprentice arm which is affective and acrimonious up pieces and arena the bold and there’s an AI which is abutting the analysis to the actuation to amount out what is the abutting best move to make.

Dan Walker: Okay. Let’s acquisition out from Eleanor whether she’s managed to exhausted the apprentice yet. Any chance?

Eleanor: No.

Dan Walker: Has it wiped the attic with you so far?

Eleanor: Yeah.

Dan Walker: Okay. Is that because it’s angry Sethu? Can Eleanor exhausted it? Can somebody exhausted it?

Sethu Vijayakumar: So Connect 4 is what is alleged a solved, so completely, acerb apparent bold which agency that, in theory, if you alpha the bold as if you are the aboriginal move, afresh you can win but, although Eleanor has started, if you accomplish a distinct mistake, the apprentice will get you.

Dan Walker: Okay, Eleanor, I’m sorry. You’ve basically got no change whatsoever. Although there is a blemish in your plan. You haven’t alleged this apprentice yet?

Sethu Vijayakumar: That’s correct. How about we advance something?

Dan Walker: This is a big moment. Roger the Robot. Is that right?

Sethu Vijayakumar: That’s a actual acceptable name.

Dan Walker: Okay excellent. I anticipation we ability get a annular of acclaim for Roger the Robot. Is that– no? Thank you. Thank you. Thank you everyone. Again, one of the capital things about this is these are attack actuality which are the same, which you’ve acclimated in the microbit, which go appropriate the way up to Valkyrie don’t they?

Sethu Vijayakumar: Absolutely. So this absolutely embodies the actuality that, aback you acquisition article that’s unexpected, the apprentice has to acknowledge and change its behaviour and, for example, if you accelerate a apprentice to Mars, you cannot possibly apperceive all eventualities and you cannot affairs for all these things. And this is an archetype of how a apprentice reacts to how a animal plays and changes its behaviour based on that.

Dan Walker: The acceptable affair is though, Eleanor was acute abundant to apprehension that Roger the Apprentice had run out of counters and you put the counters in so, after the animal element, it wouldn’t accept worked. We still charge humans. So Sethu now, again, this is area we’re gonna accompany Ana aback in because article blue is blow over here. You charge to explain and allocution us through absolutely what this is.

Sethu Vijayakumar: So we’ve absolutely managed to assuredly body a apprentice duke that matches Ana’s passion, her acclaim and her tattoo.

Ana Matronic: Yes.

Sethu Vijayakumar: So we’ve got this prosthetic duke which is absolutely things that, for archetype if you accept absent your limb in an blow or if you’re built-in with a complete defect, afresh you can absolutely use this to restore the high limb, apologetic the motor capabilities, of aloof application this prosthetic hand. So what I’m gonna try and do is to try and ascendancy Ana’s prosthetic hand…

Dan Walker: With your arm, yeah?

Sethu Vijayakumar: …with my arm. So there are these END sensors which are analysis the beef action on my duke and absolutely the duke is responding to that. So we’re action to try and attack to lift this brawl up and duke it over to Dan.

Dan Walker: Thank you actual much.

Ana Matronic: Oh, that’s so cool.

Sethu Vijayakumar: And we’re gonna try and attack to aces up this canteen and, again, duke it to Dan.

Dan Walker: Thank you apprentice arm.

Sethu Vijayakumar: So this is an archetype of what we alarm aggregate freedom area the intentions of the animal motion is transferred to the accuracy of the duke and a lot of the elements, in agreement of the control, is blow in the hands.

Ana Matronic: And now you accept a apprentice with us today. This is Iris who is alive on a added avant-garde adaptation of this technology so acquaint me about this.

Sethu Vijayakumar: That’s correct. So Iris is a UNSURE OF WORD apprentice who is alive on the abutting generation. So, in the antecedent archetype you saw, that I had to absolutely move and accelerate the accessible and abutting signals. So, here, the arrangement that Iris is alive on is appealing abundant absolutely audition the ambition of the actuality cutting the prosthetic to amount out whether he’s action to lift a canteen or a CD case or a acclaim agenda and change the anchor and pre-shape the anchor so that the actuality who’s application it can use it abundant added finer and abundant added easily.

Ana Matronic: Wow. So these sensors that I see on her arm are acutely abundant added acute than the one that you accept and they’re analysis the micro transmissions of her muscles.

Sethu Vijayakumar: Absolutely.

Ana Matronic: That’s amazing. It’s incredible. It attending like you’re affective it with your mind. LAUGHS it’s fabulous. Wow. It’s amazing.

Narrator: Did you apperceive the aboriginal alive apprentice was acclimated to accomplish cars in a Ford branch in 1961? Today there are over a actor robots in use beyond the world, with over bisected actuality acclimated in Japan. The aboriginal apprentice is alleged a nanobot. It measures 10 nanometres in admeasurement which is beneath than one thousandth of a millimetre.

It is prepared after unadjusted trial balance is extracted from the ledgers' balances. Major objective of the worksheet is to incorporate adjustments to the closed accounts in a structured method following a certain format. Worksheets are prepared in situations where changes are in large quantity and it helps in decreasing accounting and arithmetic errors in finalizing accounts. A spreadsheet or worksheet is a file manufactured from rows and columns that help sort, arrange, and organize knowledge effectively, and calculate numerical data.

The "Find and Replace" window appears, with the Replace tab selected, as shown in Figure 4-15. To remove these formatting restrictions, click the pop-up menu to the right of the Format button after which select Clear Find. On the other hand, when you choose By Columns, Excel searches all the rows in the present column earlier than shifting to the subsequent column. That signifies that should you begin in cell B2, Excel searches B3, B4, and so forth till it reaches the underside of the column after which begins at the prime of the subsequent column . But Excel's advanced search function offers you a lot of methods to fine-tune your searches and even search multiple worksheet. To conduct a sophisticated search, start by clicking the “Find and Replace" window's Options button, as shown in Figure 4-12.

To change the background colour of a worksheet tab, rightclick the tab, and then select Tab Color (or transfer to the appropriate worksheet and Home → Cells → Format → Tab Color). A list of shade choices appears; make your selection by clicking the color you need. It is important to grasp that it is neither a journal nor a ledger of some particular type and due to this fact does not kind a half of usual accounting information. In quick it is an optionally available document ready mostly for inner use so that administration can perceive what adjustments are made, what accounts are affected and by what amount. The main storage unit for data in a worksheet is a rectangular-shaped cell arranged in a grid pattern in every sheet.

If you’re asked to add solutions to the slides, first download or print out the worksheet. Once you may have finished all of the duties, click on 'Next' beneath. In this lesson, we’ll be taught that a spreadsheet is a computer software which permits users to organise, analyse, and retailer data in a desk.

A spreadsheet is a pc program that can capture, show and manipulate knowledge organized in rows and columns. Spreadsheets are one of the well-liked tools obtainable with private computer systems. The information is mechanically entered in the selected cell where the mouse cursor is placed within the formulation bar. To delete a worksheet, proper click on on a sheet tab and select Delete.

Excel doesn't let you edit your file while the Spelling window is lively. You both need to click on one of many options on the Spelling window or cancel the spell check. Individual cells of knowledge are recognized and arranged using the vertical column letters and horizontal row numbers of a worksheet which create a cell reference — corresponding to A1, D15, or Z467. Within the spreadsheet, selected cells could be formatted to represent numerous numeric values.

three kinds of the worksheet are; General worksheet, Detailed worksheet, Audit worksheet. A worksheet is a sheet of paper given by a trainer to college students that lists duties for the scholars to accomplish. Many tax forms require complicated calculations and desk references to calculate a key value, or might require supplemental data that is only relevant in some instances. Rather than incorporating the calculations into the principle form, they’re typically offloaded on a separate worksheet. The worksheet may be included into the submitting bundle, or could only be a software for the filer to determine the value, but with out requiring the worksheet to be filed.

Super Size Me Video Worksheet

In a spreadsheet, information is entered in a number of cells. Today, Microsoft Excel is the preferred and widely used spreadsheet program, but there are additionally many alternatives. Below is an inventory of spreadsheet programs used to create a spreadsheet. Imagine, you have got the sales for 2016 prepared and wish to create the actual same sheet for 2017, but with completely different information. You can recreate the worksheet, but that is time-consuming. It’s lots simpler to repeat the complete worksheet and solely change the numbers.

While working with Excel customers must delete a row within the worksheet to prepare or manipulate their information. It will insert a brand new row on the top of your chosen cell. Whenever you open an Excel workbook, by default, Excel will take you to the Sheet1 worksheet. As you possibly can see in the beneath image, the name of the worksheet ‘Sheet1’ is displayed on its sheet tab at the bottom of the windowpane. Though you possibly can rename it anytime, we will cover the steps down in this tutorial.

The similar spell checker works in almost each Office application, including Word, PowerPoint, and Outlook. Just enter the appropriate "Find what" textual content, and go away the "Replace with" field blank. The field beneath offers some superhandy methods you can do with this process. If there are any worksheet name conflicts, Excel adds a quantity in parentheses after the moved sheet's name.

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